The Living Studio

A tables exchange with the
Whitechapel Gallery, Jan-May 2022
(for A Century of the Artist’s Studio exhibition)

From January to May 2022, our signature PP studio tables are on show at the Whitechapel Gallery as part of the Living Studio, which runs in parallel to the exhibition A Century of the Artist’s Studio: 1920-2020. The Living Studio is a live making space filled with inspirational objects, books and materials, where visitors experiment the energy of a contemporary artist’s studio and join in it by creating their own art. There visitors will sit at and encounter the fascinating surface of our tables, resulting from over 40 years of daily making by our PP artists. The Living Studio is free and open to all.

While our own studio tables are away we received replacement table from the Whitechapel Gallery, which we lined with blank primed canvas. Through the 5 months of the projects all artists in the studio and the PP team are engaging in a collective mark making project, inspired among others by the work tables and tischmatten of Dieter Roth. Every studio user is allowed to contribute to the intitially white canvas the marks, stains and traces collateral to their own making. Or, many times, even to leave intentional pieces of drawing and writing. One’s drawings are being transformed into something else by the artist sitting at the table after them, in a continuous layering process which we are still to see what will produce. For a timeline of weekly photos we take of this ongoing project see the gallery below.